
Here to tell Personal Space how to keep the peace when moving in and actually making your house a home is Francesco Bilotto, design and entertainment expert, who has seen many couples butt heads once they’ve actually moved in. It’s all fantasy, after all, until reality sets in. You’ve spent a lot of money and you want it your way — but compromise is necessary.

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Personal Space spoke to design guru Francesco Bilotto, who gave us some tips on how to move in with a partner, what to save your energy fighting for, and what to let go of so you can both live in peace.

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What do you do when you can’t stand each other … but still live under the same roof?

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Interior designer Francesco Bilotto says the first thing to do is figure our time management of spaces and reconfiguring your everyday logistics and costs.

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“A little white lie never hurts when it comes to sparing feelings,” laughs interior design and entertaining expert Francesco Bilotto.

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Famed interior design and entertaining expert, Francesco Bilotto has tips. Listen up.

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In his line of work, interior designer Francesco Bilotto has often found himself helping both clients and friends redesign their apartment after a breakup. He knows exactly what to do to get them — and their stuff — out of your mind and living space.

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